Wines for spring 3-26-2025

Spring is here. What wines are especially suited for the warming days and the return of plants from dormancy? There are many happy choices. Continue reading “Wines for spring 3-26-2025”

Texas wine ascendent 3-19-2025

Sixty years ago, Texas wine was a curious microdot in the wine world. Two Texas Tech professors piddled around with a few grapevines, originally intending to make grape jelly to supplement their income. Continue reading “Texas wine ascendent 3-19-2025”

AI evaluation 3-5-2025

I find Perplexity a useful AI tool researching wine and other topics. In an act of hubris, I challenged it to evaluate Gus Clemens on Wine. Continue reading “AI evaluation 3-5-2025”

Grapes by the numbers 2-26-2025

By best estimate, there are some 10,000 different grape varieties in the world. If you tasted a different one every day, it would take you more than 27 years to complete the task. Thankfully, the world of wine is confined to a smaller number. Continue reading “Grapes by the numbers 2-26-2025”

Wine bottle sizes 2-19-2025

It is a new year and there are sweeping changes in wine bottle sizes in America. Yep, wine makers and glass blowers have a whole new tool kit to entice you into experiencing whatever elixir they have conjured from grape juice and yeast and wood and whatever else the white-coated wine wizards have procured. Continue reading “Wine bottle sizes 2-19-2025”

Wine for Valentine 2-12-2025

Valentine’s Day cometh, time for expressing love and affection, although one can argue that should be on your to-do list every day. Continue reading “Wine for Valentine 2-12-2025”

Blending terms 1-29-2025

Wine labels and wine reviews may include various references to wine blending. Some are specific and informative. Others are distinctions without a difference. Let’s explore the most common blending terms. Continue reading “Blending terms 1-29-2025”

Types of blends 1-22-2025

Blending is essential to making some of the world’s most iconic wines. We explored the several ways to blend last week. This week, specific wines created by blending. Continue reading “Types of blends 1-22-2025”