Glass wine bottles have enjoyed a long and storied run since they were adopted after advances in glass making in the 1600s. Now, however, glass has competition. Continue reading “Glass and its alternatives 2-22-2023”
Category: Recent Columns
What is wine? 2-15-2023
What is wine? For many, that question was answered thousands of years ago. Wine is grape juice after yeast converts its sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Continue reading “What is wine? 2-15-2023”
Champagne’s rise 2-8-2023
The land was sheep country, too far north for grapes. The local wine was mediocre, pawned off to roughhewn wool buyers or consumed by locals as vin de table. Continue reading “Champagne’s rise 2-8-2023”
Wine sales statistics 2-1-2023
Which of these statements about the wine industry is correct? Demand decreases, the industry faces rocky times. The industry is doing fine, even if volume is down, value is steady. The industry has a rosy future as drinkers switch to higher-priced wine. Continue reading “Wine sales statistics 2-1-2023”
Wine is the most interesting drink 1-25-2023
Wine is the world’s most interesting alcoholic beverage. You expect wine columnists to make such an assertion, but we can back up the claim. Continue reading “Wine is the most interesting drink 1-25-2023”
Wine drinking tips 1-18-2023
As life semi-returns to pre-Covid normal, we return to restaurants and order wine. We have folks over for dinner. We pay attention to things besides vaccinations and masks. Observations, tips. Continue reading “Wine drinking tips 1-18-2023”
Pressing wine questions 1-11-2023
As we hurtle into the new year, answers to pressing wine questions. Continue reading “Pressing wine questions 1-11-2023”
Optimism 1-4-2023
New year. No matter if you look back on 2022 with a sigh of satisfaction or you are grovelingly thankful to survive another solar circumnavigation, time for optimism. Continue reading “Optimism 1-4-2023”
Meteorological seasons 1-3-2024
It is early January. Barely into winter. Except it isn’t barely into winter if you reckon by the more rational system of “meteorological seasons.” By that measure, we are one-third-plus finished with winter. Huh? Continue reading “Meteorological seasons 1-3-2024”
Start the year with wine good news 12-28-2022
Let’s end this year and begin the next on a high note. A Japanese study found people over age 75 may benefit from a regular glass of wine. Continue reading “Start the year with wine good news 12-28-2022”