Wine grape growing is not nearly so simple as plant a vine and watch it grow. Continue reading “Brix”
Category: Recent Columns
Lamb for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving will be different this year. In that spirit, a meal different than turkey. Why not lamb? If that is too radical, lamb as second meat? Continue reading “Lamb for Thanksgiving”
Thanksgiving 2020
My final column this month runs the day before Thanksgiving, which gives you no time to act on any advice. So this week, advice about T-day wine provided in advance. Next week, an out-of-the-box idea for your meal, including a delicious recipe. Plenty of time for you to process and plan. Continue reading “Thanksgiving 2020”
Heat, light and wine
Wine is both tough and vulnerable. Handled correctly, some wines can remain fresh, even improve, for a century or more. Expose wine to heat and/or light, and you invite trouble. Continue reading “Heat, light and wine”
All Hallows’ Eve—Halloween—is the first and weirdest, of the three harvest festivals. Thanksgiving and Christmas are the others. Continue reading “Halloween”
Twelfth anniversary of wine column
This wine column began 12 years ago this week. What a delicious adventure it continues to be. Indulge me as I answer some questions I get asked all the time. Continue reading “Twelfth anniversary of wine column”
Cellaring wine
So, you are investigating a wine refrigerator or thinking about building a wine cellar. What do you look for? Continue reading “Cellaring wine”
COVID and wine
No debate 2020 has been annus horribilis. COVID-19 worldwide. Worst fires ever on West Coast. How has this horrid year affected the wine world? Continue reading “COVID and wine”
Vine stems
To destem or not to destem? Crushing wine world question. Continue reading “Vine stems”
Wine scores
Wine scores are ridiculous. They also are the reason for the increase in wine consumption the past 40 years. They are wine’s deal with the devil. Continue reading “Wine scores”