You can have too much of a good thing. Just ask the wine industry. Continue reading “Cab crashes in wine glut”
Category: Recent Columns
Direct to consumer wine
Online wine sales, from online wine stores and wineries, increased the past decade-plus. Then came COVID. Online wine sales mushroomed. Continue reading “Direct to consumer wine”
New wine business models
Winery tasting rooms are closed. A terrible blow, especially for smaller wineries. Some, however, believe the COVID crisis could reshape the industry for the better. Continue reading “New wine business models”
Wine and COVID notes 5-13-2020
As sheltering-in-place, face masks, and social distancing save lives, COVID likely forever alters “normal life.” Notes from the world of wine and alcohol: Continue reading “Wine and COVID notes 5-13-2020”
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day enjoys a rich history. Spring festivals in ancient Greece and Rome celebrated mommy goddesses. Europeans celebrated moms beginning in the 16th century. Continue reading “Mother’s Day”
Rise of rosé
Rosé has been the fastest growing wine category in the U.S. for several years. According to Nielsen, off-premise sales of rosé in January 2016 were $151 million. In January 2020, $576 million-plus. More than a 280 percent increase. Continue reading “Rise of rosé”
Wine carbs
Bitter news wine lovers must face: wine has carbohydrates. Carbohydrates produce calories. If you contemplate dieting, counting carbs/calories is part of the deal. Continue reading “Wine carbs”
Old-new world wine
Visit with almost any wine vine grower and they will tell you climate change is indisputably real. And it is both a bad thing and a good thing—depending on where your vineyard is located. Continue reading “Old-new world wine”
Wine tannins are the little girl with the curl. When they are good, they are very good indeed. But when they are bad they are horrid. Continue reading “Tannins”
Coronavirus impact
Coronavirus disrupts life worldwide. For wine world, however, the situation has meant boom rather than bust. Continue reading “Coronavirus impact”