There is an old saying about lovemaking—a little wine increases the opportunity, too much wine decreases the performance. Continue reading “Wine and sex”
Category: Recent Columns
Buying wine #2
Week two of wine acquisition strategies: Continue reading “Buying wine #2”
Buying wine #1
Reviewing wine is vexing when your words appear in newspapers and the internet around the world. Continue reading “Buying wine #1”
Wine world notes
Wine world notes: Continue reading “Wine world notes”
Grape quantity per bottle
How many grapes does it take to make a bottle of wine? Depends, as it so often does in wine. Ballpark: 600 to 800 grape berries. Continue reading “Grape quantity per bottle”
Old wine
The vast majority of the wine you are likely to purchase is ready to drink when you get home from the store. What happens when you put a bottle in the back of your wine fridge or dark closet and forget about it? What happens with really old wine? Continue reading “Old wine”
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is Friday. Monster moment for chocolatiers, florists, and greeting card makers. Is there a place for wine in all this? This is a wine column, of course there is. Continue reading “Valentine’s Day”
Australian fires
Australia burns. A billion animals killed. Apocalyptic trailer to what happens if we do not address global warming. Continue reading “Australian fires”
Wine glut
Wine world bad news and good news. Bad: record harvests in 2018 and 2019 produced a grape glut. Further bad: some grapes may have “smoke taint” from fires in California and Australia, further driving down prices. Grape growers are not thrilled. Continue reading “Wine glut”
Amphorae are those funny-looking jars with pointy bottoms that were the almost universal container in the ancient world. Continue reading “Amphorae”