Labor Day

Labor Day: bittersweet homage to transition, end-of-summer obeisance to the passage of time, and recognition that to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. Continue reading “Labor Day”

Zinfandel’s names

Crljenak kaštelanski (pronounce Tserl-yee-ehnak Kashh-tell-ann-skee). Primitivo (pronounce pri-meh-TEE-Voh). Or, if you are confounded by Croation and intimidated by Italian, go with the California pronunciation: zinfandel (‘zin-fən-del). Continue reading “Zinfandel’s names”

Expensive wine characteristics

Collectible wine. Nice to dream about, unlikely to be acquired. You probably are not going to spend more on a bottle of wine than on your daughter’s wedding. Continue reading “Expensive wine characteristics”

Wine costs

Many factors go into wine cost. The odious three-tier system (wine producer–wholesaler–retailer) does its price-inflating thing, but so do multiple decisions that influence your wine experience. Continue reading “Wine costs”

July 4th

July 4th falls on Thursday, dicey day for a holiday. Some will enjoy flag waving four-day weekend, while others must soldier up, salute job responsibilities, take the fifth on Friday. Continue reading “July 4th”