Most of us consider wine to be a civilized drink. Professor John J. Mahoney, PhD asserts wine was “the catalyst that created civilization” in his book Wine: The Source of Civilization. Continue reading “Wine and civilization”
Category: Recent Columns
Father’s Day
For a wine writer, Mother’s Day is easy: rosé. For Father’s Day this Sunday, not so easy. Continue reading “Father’s Day”
Sparkling ascendant
Sales of table wine in the United States essentially are flat after a sustained boom. The latest figures available show wine sales grew by only .02 percent in 2017. Continue reading “Sparkling ascendant”
World wine production 5-29-2019
The world drinks a lot of wine—some 6.5 billion gallons in 2018, according to the Paris-based International Organisation of Vine and Wine. Continue reading “World wine production 5-29-2019”
New World–Old World 5-22-2019
What is this “Old World” “New World” wine thing? Some cartographic elucidation. Continue reading “New World–Old World 5-22-2019”
Availability vs. distinction 5-15-2019
Wine writers encounter a Rubicon, and their decision flavors and follows them whenever they write: wine availability or wine distinction? Continue reading “Availability vs. distinction 5-15-2019”
Mothers Day 5-8-2018
With Mother’s Day forthcoming this Sunday, a note to gift givers: women are more likely to drink wine than any other alcohol beverage. Just saying. Continue reading “Mothers Day 5-8-2018”
Wine-Mexican Food 5-1-2019
Cinco de Mayo occurs in four days, a holiday celebrated more in the United States than in Mexico, but the occasion presents an excuse to discuss Mexican/Tex-Mex food and wine. Continue reading “Wine-Mexican Food 5-1-2019”
Wine faults #3
Third week of our fearless exploration of wine flaws, and some good news. Continue reading “Wine faults #3”
Wine faults #2
Second week of our trepidatious venture into the Stygian world of wine flaws. Continue reading “Wine faults #2”