Wine faults #1

Admit it, you experience a flutter of dread when you open a bottle of wine, especially one not familiar to you or one you’ve held for extended time. Could this wine be, uh, flawed—even spoiled? We investigate this the next three weeks. Continue reading “Wine faults #1”

Wine consumption

Wine sales in the U.S. increased every year for a quarter century, but there is industry concern that the ascendant streak is coming to an end. Not decline, but no more exhilarating year-after-year increases. Continue reading “Wine consumption”

Natalie MacLean

The biggest change in wine in the past 20 years did not happen in vineyards or wineries. It happened on the internet, at least in my opinion and the opinion of Natalie MacLean, the award-winning wine writer who has Canada’s largest and most popular on-line wine website with some 270,000 subscribers. Continue reading “Natalie MacLean”

Wine and refrigeration

Wine typically drinks best at five-to-thirty degrees cooler than you keep your home temperature, and five-to-twenty-five degrees warmer than your home refrigerator. What do you do to get your wine to the proper temperature? Continue reading “Wine and refrigeration”

Valentine wine

With Valentine’s Day approaching, some heartening news no matter if you are a guy gifting your gal, a woman gifting her man, or you are just a wine drinker who doesn’t give a hoot about Valentine’s. Continue reading “Valentine wine”