Climate is a vital variable in vino. Continue reading “Cool-warm wine climates”
Category: Recent Columns
Alcohol by volume (ABV) numbers on a wine label give the illusion of precision—they go to tenths of percents—but pull back the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) curtain and, surprise, you discover almost nothing is what it seems. Continue reading “Alcohol”
Wine bricks
Never underestimate the ingenuity of those who make wine and those who enjoy wine. Continue reading “Wine bricks”
Chill reds in summer
It is high summer—time for chilled whites and rosés. Red wines need not apply. Except that is not correct. Continue reading “Chill reds in summer”
Airplane wine
With summer vacation season, some of you will be flying in airplanes. Wine may be offered. Be prepared for the pain of plane wine. Continue reading “Airplane wine”
July 4th
Happy birthday, U.S.A. Continue reading “July 4th”
Types of wine
Wines can be divided into six categories: white, red, rosé, sparkling, dessert, and fortified. Continue reading “Types of wine”
Wind and wine
Soil, clones, rootstock, slopes and valleys, trellis systems, rainfall and irrigation—all the things you think about when you think about terroir and what differentiates vineyards. Continue reading “Wind and wine”
Father’s Day
Like Mother’s Day last month, a Father’s Day wine column is problematic. Continue reading “Father’s Day”
Jammy wines
“Jammy” is two-edged wine term. On the one hand, high praise when wine comes from expertly managed vineyards and adroit winemakers. On the other hand, when referencing factory wine, it is unsubtle insult. Continue reading “Jammy wines”