It is a good bet most of what you think about tannins in wine is wrong. Continue reading “Tannins”
Category: Recent Columns
Pinot grigio-pinot gris
Pinot grigio and pinot gris are the same grape, but not quite the same wine. Continue reading “Pinot grigio-pinot gris”
Winemakers fermented wine in oak barrels for centuries, then came stainless steel—especially for fruit-focused whites in the 20th century. Then came concrete. Concrete? Continue reading “Concrete”
Wine hangover avoidance
Since no one enjoys a wine hangover, five tips on why they happen and how to avoid them. Most likely most of what you think about this subject is wrong. Continue reading “Wine hangover avoidance”
There is no question sparkling wine is fun, festive, delicious. It also pairs with almost any food. What is not to like? Continue reading “Prosecco-Champagne”
Supermarket wine tips
A supermarket is not a true wine store, but it likely is a place where you buy wine. Who can pass up the convenience of buying toilet paper, green beans, and wine in a one-stop shop experience? Continue reading “Supermarket wine tips”
Wine trends
The wine world agrees 2017 was a horrible year. Late frosts, hail, drought, monster fires in Napa, Italy, and Chile. Continue reading “Wine trends”
Wine’s health benefits
The wisecrack is “if you abstain from wine, you don’t live longer, it just seems like it.” Recent scientific studies suggest drinking wine actually may help you live a longer, healthier life. Continue reading “Wine’s health benefits”
Twist caps
Beverages have been sealed with metal caps since the 19th century, but—horrors—nobody thought about using them on quality wine bottles until the 21st century. Continue reading “Twist caps”
Bottle closures
Cork or twist-off closure? The wine world debate continues unabated. Continue reading “Bottle closures”