Happy Valentine’s Day. Yes, it is a “day” conjured by greeting card companies, candy makers, and flower shops, but here it is and you better do something about it if you want the coming weeks to go smoothly with whomever accompanies you in your journey through life. Continue reading “Valentine’s Day”
Category: Recent Columns
What’s in a name
What’s in a name? In the wine world, often confusion, occasionally chaos. Continue reading “What’s in a name”
Wine context
For most people, the best wine they ever drank had more to do with who they drank it with, what they were eating, and where they drank it than with the liquid in the bottle. Continue reading “Wine context”
Cold heart of winter, a time ideally suited for the extraordinary wine you probably don’t think about but should: port. Continue reading “Porto”
Wine’s downsides
You likely enjoyed positives of wine we visited last week, but if we are honest, the story is not universally rosy (or even rosé). This week, a glimpse at wine drinking downsides. Continue reading “Wine’s downsides”
Wine’s good qualities
Wine: good for you. Wine: bad for you. Both statements can be true; let’s explore. Continue reading “Wine’s good qualities”
Wine price segments
If you are reading this column, you survived the holidays. Congratulations. It also means you likely will buy wine during the 362 days remaining in 2018. Continue reading “Wine price segments”
New Year’s resolutions
New Year’s wine resolution time. Refreshingly, many of these resolutions can last past the time the ink dries on the newsprint. Several were made and kept in previous passages from one chapter of the Gregorian calendar to the next. Continue reading “New Year’s resolutions”
NC sparkling wine
Christmas and New Year’s are the year’s apogee of sparkling wine consumption, so tips for the coming bubbly bonanza. Continue reading “NC sparkling wine”
Christmas gifts
Wine and wine accessories are welcome gifts for the Christmas-holiday season. Since possibilities are almost endless, some suggestions in various price ranges: Continue reading “Christmas gifts”