Pét-Nat or Pétillant-Naturel. What the heck is that “next big thing” in wine? Continue reading “Pét-nat wines 6-26-2024”
Category: Recent Columns
High-priced wine 6-19-2024
There is panic and turmoil in high dollar wines you and I do not buy. Continue reading “High-priced wine 6-19-2024”
Wine storage tips 6-12-2024
Most of us drink a bottle of wine soon after purchase. From an hour after we get home to a couple of days or weeks. Wine storage in such cases basically is unimportant. Continue reading “Wine storage tips 6-12-2024”
What’s your favorite wine 6-5-2024
“If you could only drink one wine for the rest of your life, what wine would that be?” I get that question often. Continue reading “What’s your favorite wine 6-5-2024”
What influences your wine buying? 5-29-2024
In an opinion survey by YouGov, Americans claimed “bottle or label design” was the least important factor in their selection of a wine. Continue reading “What influences your wine buying? 5-29-2024”
What do Americans think about wine? 5-22-2024
What wines do Americans prefer, how much are they willing to pay for it, and what are their general views about wine? Continue reading “What do Americans think about wine? 5-22-2024”
Wine glut pitfalls 5-15-2024
The world has a glut of wine. In some ways, a good thing for wine buyers. With supply up and demand down, wine makers have to make sacrifices to move their product. The old seller’s adage applies: “I would rather have 50% of something than 100% of nothing.” Continue reading “Wine glut pitfalls 5-15-2024”
Wine descriptors Part Six 5-8-2024
This is the final episode of our adventure into the world of wine descriptors. Continue reading “Wine descriptors Part Six 5-8-2024”
Wine descriptors Part Five 5-1-2024
Continuing our adventure in the world of wine descriptors. Continue reading “Wine descriptors Part Five 5-1-2024”
Wine descriptors Part Four 4-24-2024
In our continuing investigation into the world of wine descriptors, we move to common terms. Continue reading “Wine descriptors Part Four 4-24-2024”