You celebrate wine. Family members grudgingly acquiesce you know more about it than they do. They anoint you to select and, if they are deviously clever, to buy wine for a festive family meal. This is the season for such repasts and such familial strategies. Continue reading “Feast food pairings”
Category: Seasonal Recommendations
Thanksgiving wines 2 of 2
Surprise! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. You were assigned to provide wine for your family’s feast, but you did not give it a thought until now. Continue reading “Thanksgiving wines 2 of 2”
Thanksgiving wines 1 of 2
Thanksgiving is the festive family feast where even people who don’t buy or drink wine very often buy and drink wine. Today’s column is for you. Continue reading “Thanksgiving wines 1 of 2”
Halloween 2012
Real Halloween horrors are not faux-frightening costumes or campy wine plays—Vampire Vineyards, Poizin Zin, or Casillero de Diablo (“Cellar of the Devil”)—tonight’s real horrors are bags of treacly treats that will generate manic sugar highs. Be afraid, be very afraid. Continue reading “Halloween 2012”
Labor Day summer sippers
Two months of summer are gone, one month remains. Labor Day looms in dozen days as final hot holiday. Continue reading “Labor Day summer sippers”
July 4th hot dog
Wine suggestions for July 4th are laden with pairing perils. Continue reading “July 4th hot dog”
Decanting 101
Evaporation and oxidation begin when you pull cork or twist cap on a bottle of wine. They significantly accelerate when you pour wine into a decanter. Continue reading “Decanting 101”
Easy trick to improve wine: decant (pour wine from bottle into container that exposes larger surface to air). Continue reading “Decanting”
Thanksgiving 2 of 2
You screwed up. You are in charge of Thanksgiving wine, and you thought about it, and you put if off until tomorrow, and now tomorrow is—Thanksgiving Day. Continue reading “Thanksgiving 2 of 2”
Thanksgiving 1 of 2
Thanksgiving—easiest of wine times. Continue reading “Thanksgiving 1 of 2”