Everyday, commodity wines 11-9-2022

November and December are the heaviest wine-buying months of the year. People not into wine—or even alcohol—indulge during the harvest feasts of Thanksgiving and Christmas and the bacchanalian excesses of New Year’s. Continue reading “Everyday, commodity wines 11-9-2022”

Wine and Halloween candy 10-26-2022

Every few years I recklessly throw caution and good judgment to the wind and confront pairing wine with Halloween candy. So here it goes. Continue reading “Wine and Halloween candy 10-26-2022”

Chilled red wines 7-6-2022

NEWS FLASH: We are in the “Dog Days of Summer,” or “High Summer” as it was called in the Old South. Whatever you call the scorching time between early July and mid-August, it is time to chill your wines. Continue reading “Chilled red wines 7-6-2022”

Father’s Day 6-15-2022

When this wine column began more than 14 years ago, Father’s Day was not a topic. Men drank beer, women drank wine. That was just the way it was. Continue reading “Father’s Day 6-15-2022”

Bubbly for the holidays 12-22-2021

’Tis the season to be bubbly. December is the hottest month for sparkling wine. Festive, fun, special. People who don’t drink wine, drink sparkling as we endure the darkest days of winter and toast the dawn of a new year. Continue reading “Bubbly for the holidays 12-22-2021”

Wine no-no’s 12-8-2021

Holidays can be prime time for vino blunders. Be your better self. This is a time for joy and bonhomie, so pass on these unwholesome wine gaffes: Continue reading “Wine no-no’s 12-8-2021”

Boxed wine shelf life

Box wine, or more correctly wine in a plastic bag that is inside a box, is no longer the red-headed stepchild of the wine world. Several wineries now deliver quality wine in a box. Bota Box (Delicato Family Vineyards), Black Box (Constellation Brands), Bandit, Almaden, House Wine are among the leaders. Continue reading “Boxed wine shelf life”